Monday, October 31, 2016


Yellow-Breasted Chat continues at Sparrow Rock
Indigo Bunting continues at Locust Grove
Eastern Bluebird at Sparrow Rock

Extralimital: 4 Nelson's Sparrows and Eastern Bluebird at Randall's Island

Sunday, October 30, 2016

10/30/16 + more on daily alerts

I also forgot to mention that posts will be updated periodically as more birds are found throughout the day. Anyway, here is what's around today (10/30)

Yellow-Breasted Chat at Sparrow Rock
Blackpoll Warbler at west side of Great Lawn
Orange-Crowned Warbler at west side of Great Lawn
Black-Throated Green Warblet at west side of Great Lawn
Indigo Bunting continuing at Locust Grove
Empidonax Flycatcher (likely Alder) continuing at Locust Grove.
Northern Waterthrush at SE corner of Pond
Northern Parula at Pinetum
Black-Throated Blue Warbler at Point
Common Yellowthroat (location unspecified)
DICKCISSEL at Sparrow Rock
Red-Headed Woodpecket at SE corner of Sheep Meadow

Saturday, October 29, 2016

About This Blog and First Alert

This blog (Central Park Rare Bird Alert) will mention just about all particularly notable birds I see, or hear about through social media and occasionally word-of-mouth. The sources I use include, the Twitter #birdcp, and the New York ABA news link.  I will upload each post of a rarity (or rarities if there are multiple in the same timeframe) as soon as I can. These posts will be fairly frequent, especially in spring when migration is going on. I also run another blog called Mean Teen Birding Machine where I recount my own birding experiences, and my attempt at a bigger big year each year (currently I am at 162 species!). Anyway, here is the first alert.


Northern Parula (late) at Reservoir (location unspecified)
Common Yellowthroat female (late) at Turtle Pond (location unspecified)
Ovenbird (late) at Azalea Pond waterfall.
Blue-Headed Vireo (bit late) at Central Park Zoo near snow monkey exhibit)
Empidonax-type Flycatcher (late) at NW corner of Great Lawn, likely Willow/Alder.
Lincoln's Sparrow at Maintenance Field.

Extralimital: CACKLING GOOSE refound at Dyckman Fields (near Inwood Hill Park)